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Daily Gemini Horoscope December 21 (21/12)
Gemini May 21 − Jun 21 Alias: Alias: The Twins December 21 (21/12) daily gemini horoscope: summary gemini daily Star 8/10 Someone might believe theyre being clever by setting bait for you in some way in the hope youll take it and rise to it. Theyre probably focused on how theyd react if in the same situation but are clearly underestimating your ability to see through their game. Tense and conflicting aspects imply you could, quite easily, find yourself embroiled in a heated exchange if you choose to. It is, however, possible to circumnavigate this completely. Opt to do the latter. Read more... summary gemini tomorrow Star 7/10 Some people know what buttons to press to provoke reactions from others. Do they make effort over long periods of time to determine what buttons work in sp...
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